Recommended Kamishibai (in Japanese)


Wild Roses

Wild Roses

Mimei Ogawa, Seishi Horio, Makoto Sakurai

The bloom of wild roses connects an aging soldier from a large country with a youthful soldier from a small country, but the two are soon parted as one of them becomes a casualty of war. The text by Seishi Horio makes the poignant story resonate even more powerfully with the audience. Makoto Sakurai’s illustrations emphasize the abrupt change from welcoming, beautiful surroundings to wartime conditions, and eloquently express the elderly soldier’s feelings in response. The importance of peace comes to reside deep in the heart.

  • ¥1,760E
  • Jun 10, 2005
  • page:12sheets
  • ISBN:978-4-494-07864-6

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